Outreach Ministries

Outreach Ministries

Outreach Opportunities at VBF


In a world of isolation and dreariness, a thoughtful letter becomes a message of hope. Are you willing to be the heart of kindness behind that letter?

The VBF Prison Ministry reaches out to inmates with the transforming message of redemption in Christ. The ministry team meets regularly to pray over prisoners and writes letters filled with the love of Jesus. You may not thrive among crowds, but you can affect a positive change in many lives. Your letters will provide the encouragement these inmates need to survive their incarceration.


Friendly faces and caring hearts are needed to reach out to our friends in the VBF neighborhood.

Our VBF Neighborhood Outreach Team exists to show the love of Jesus to those who live in the area surrounding our church. We provide free haircuts and bicycle repairs, paint children’s faces, and offer welcoming smiles to all who come. If you love to help people, come be part of a ministry that bathes our neighbors in Christ’s love.


Do you have a welcoming smile and a heart of compassion for those in need? Do you thrive in an atmosphere of one-on-one contact? You’re the perfect fit for our Food Room.

The VBF Food Room provides staples, canned goods, and miscellaneous items to those in need, in our church body and the community. Volunteers are needed to assemble food baskets, do grocery shopping, keep inventory on the stock at hand, and, most importantly of all, show those in need that Jesus is the Provider. If your heart is characterized by empathy and you desire to use that gift to bless others, come be a part of the VBF Food Room ministry and touch those in need with the love of Christ.


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