VBF TEAM MEMBERS (Staff) (Page 2) Here is a directory of our Pastors and Support Staff. Aly Uranday Worship Leader 661-325-2251 Debbie Tweed Administration Assistant 661-325-2251 ext. 127 dtweed@vbf.org Christine Persel Administrative Assistant 661-325-2251 ext. 106 christine@vbf.org Genaro Hernandez HS Youth Pastor 661-325-2251 ext. 777 genaroh@vbf.org Jonathan Ranger Worship Leader 661-325-2251 ext.129 info@vbf.org TJ Burnham Video Room Operator / Editor 661-325-2251 lunarhimura@gmail.com McKenzie Richmond Office Assistant 661-325-2251 Melanie Mingo Xtreme Director 661-325-2251 melanie@vbf.org Evan Bell Xtreme Children’s Leader 661-325-2251 x205 evanb@vbf.org