Pastor Ron Vietti

Pastor Ron Vietti

Pastor Ron Vietti VBF CHURCH

Pastor Ron Vietti is the Lead Pastor of Valley Bible Fellowship in Bakersfield, California. Ron and his wife Debbie have been married 53 years. Together, they pioneered Valley Bible Fellowship in 1974 with ten teenagers. It is now a church of over 10,000 people. Outside of the main campus, VBF has successful satellite campuses that meet within Bakersfield and throughout California, two flourishing church plants in Las Vegas, Nevada, and Ventura, CA, and additional thousands of viewers that tune in every Sunday and Wednesday throughout the world for services that are live on the internet.

Ron Vietti is known for his raw ministry style that transcends traditional ministry. VBF’s influence within the prisons, strip clubs, annual porn conventions, and other ministries that directly touch those that others in the church may consider unlovable are making a significant impact. He is the author of four books: Conspiracy of Silence, Polyester People, Tribal Influence, and Fire Starters, a daily devotional. He has also authored three children’s books: Oreo Finds a Friend, Bella Goes to School, and Charlie Finds a Home. To find out more about Ron Vietti, visit

Josh Vietti