VBF support groups are an essential part of many VBF attendee’s spiritual growth. Here are a few of the current support groups being offered at VBF.
Set Free meets every Friday evening, at 7:30 pm, in room 36.
The purpose of Set Free Ministries is to provide love and support to every person who has been affected by addictive or dysfunctional behavior. Weekly meetings are provided for the addicted and afflicted. For more information,
E-mail us!
Grief Share is a 13-week support group that meets weekly on Mondays at 5:30 pm in room 25 at the East Campus. This friendly, caring group will walk beside you through one of life’s difficult experiences, the loss of someone. For more info, please call Brenda at 661-325 2251 ext. 207.
If you have a loved one who is in the hospital, please contact VBF at 661-325-2251. Our hospital visitation team makes their rounds on Tuesdays and Thursdays.
Individual, family, and couple’s appointments are available with VBF staff pastors and leadership. To set up an appointment, please contact the church office at 661.325.2251.
If you’d like someone to pray with you about a non-emergency, please call the church office Monday through Thursday (9am – 5pm), and a pastor or ministry leader will be happy to take your request.
You may also call our Prayer Chain anytime at 661.325.2251 ext. 315, and your requests will be shared with members of our Prayer Chain prayer team. You may also email your requests to [email protected].
If you have an emergency prayer need, please call 661-364-1038 and one of our pastors on call will contact you. This line is for emergencies only.
If you are someone who has experienced the loss of an immediate family member, you may call the church office at 661.325.2251 to make arrangements for a VBF pastor to conduct a memorial service.
We would love to be a part of your commitment and upcoming marriage. Our services are available for VBF members and attendees only. If you would like to be married at Valley Bible Fellowship or desire a VBF Pastor to officiate your wedding ceremony, you must complete our six-week premarital classes offered on Sundays. To begin the process and set up an interview with a pastor, please contact us here or call the church office at 661.325.2251.