Church Blog (Page 40)

Church Blog (Page 40)

Come back weekly to find out what’s happening at VBF Church! Here you can catch weekly announcements from various ministries or thought-provoking messages from our leaders.  ( Due to COVID-19 some announcements and messages may be missing )

VBF KIDS Online : Kindergarten – 5th grade

VBF K & 1st (Kindergarten & 1st Grade) Follow us on Instagram @vbfkand1st We post Daily Devotionals for your kinder or 1st grader and Bible lessons are posted twice a week. We also post fun messages from our special teachers! VBF Kids Ministry (2nd – 5th Grades) Follow us on the following social media platforms: YouTube – VBF kids: …

COVID-19 Update

UPDATED: March 31, 2020, 7:00 am (P.T.) *The following announcement applies to Valley Bible Fellowship (VBF) at 2300 E. Brundage Lane, including all campuses: VBF Northwest, VBF at CSUB, and VBF Tehachapi. We are having our services LIVE and ONLINE during our normal service times: Sundays at 9:00 am and 10:45 am, and Wednesdays at 7:00 pm. Head to and click “Watch…