Monday Events – August 10
-CLC Indoor sports & games (10:30am, Extreme)
–Bookmark Bible Study (6:00pm, room 36)
-Hoop Ministry Bible Study (6:00pm, Extreme)
-Mental Health Support Group- PTSD, depression and anxiety (6:30pm, room 37)
-Prison Ministry (6:30pm, room 35)
-Off Grounds
Tuesday Events – August 11
-Hospital Visitation Team (10:00am,)
-CLC Indoor sports & games (10:30am, Extreme)
-Prison Ministry (6:30pm, 35)
-Choir Group (6:00pm, room 37)
-Pick Jesus (7:00pm, room 36)
-Off Grounds
-CSUB Men’s Bible Study (7:00p)
Wednesday Events – August 12
VIP First Time Guests:
-If you are a first time guest here at Valley Bible Fellowship please raise your hand… YOU
are a VIP here. There is a connect card inside that we would like for you to fill out.
-If you take it to the VIP booth in the foyer, we have a gift for you. WELCOME!
Back to school give away: We would like to bless kids within our VBF family and are collecting backpacks and supplies for kids ages 5-14. pencils, rulers, scissors, folders, If you would like to donate, please drop off the items in the yellow school busses.
-We are now accepting sign ups for those in need for the back-to-school giveaway under the patio.
Valley Schools: is now enrolling for the upcoming school year. We are dually accredited through WASC and ACSI. Please prayerfully consider enrolling your child or sponsoring a child to attend. Please call 661-325-5084 for more information.
Women’s Retreat: November 6-8.
We only have 300 spots so sign up ASAP. This year’s retreat is at the Oak Camp & Conference Center near Lake Hughes, CA. Tickets bought before Sept.16 enters you to win a gas and Starbuck’s card. Check out our booth in the foyer today for information!!
Passionate Hearts: Passionate Hearts Ministry is a curriculum based support group for women recovering from wounds caused by childhood sexual abuse. If you were abused and have been struggling, please consider joining our new group starting in September. Call 661-325-2251 to leave your contact information.
Mancave: Men, it is that time again! Mancave will be starting up on August 29. Mark your calendars and be ready for what God has in store for you.
VBF Store: You can go to to check out our new store. Click on the “more” tab to the far right of the home page to purchase books, cd’s and sermons.
Valley Bible Fellowship is celebrating its 40 year anniversary this year! If you have any old photos or videos of church events, church members or staff, we would like to borrow those memories from you. Please bring your media of the past & stop by the church office, The Hub in the foyer, or email digital copies to ([email protected]).
Neighborhood Outreach: Next Sunday, August 16, we will be having a neighborhood outreach here on campus. We will be giving out free haircuts, bike repairs and face painting.
MOPS: Mothers of Pre-Schoolers is now accepting registration forms. We are a group that offers support to moms with children under the age of 5. Check out our booth under the patio for more information.
Israel Trip: April 5-14, 2016 (GRAPHIC)
VBF is planning another exciting, life-changing trip to the Holy Land, Israel this upcoming April of 2016. This amazing trip lead by our pastors will open up your eyes to the Word of God like no other trip! For more information, please stop by the HUB and sign up that you are interested in going with our group.
Thursday Events – August 13
-CLC Indoor sports & games (10:30am, Extreme)
-Adopt-A-Block (6:00pm, room 38)
-Mighty Men (6:30pm, room 36)
-College Group (7:00pm, Station 3:16)
-Off Grounds
Friday Events – August 14
-CLC Indoor sports & games (10:30am, Extreme)
-Set Free (7:00pm, room 36)
-Off Grounds
-Junior High Night of Ice Skating (7:00pm – 9:00pm)
Saturday Events- August 15
Sunday Events- August 16
-Sunday Speaker Rawd Jones
-Neighborhood Outreach (8:30am & 10:30am, Patio)
-Back to School Giveaway (8:30am & 10:30am)
-Off Grounds
-Grief Share (6:00pm)